Salary Sacrifice

Employer April 12, 2019
Developing a car policy that keeps everyone happy
Cars are an important part of people’s lives which makes your company car policy an emotive topic. Then there’s a whole heap
Employer April 8, 2019
How to tailor employee benefits across the generations - part two
The first article in this series explored the different generations in the workforce and how their expectations around benefits are not being met. Particularly
Employer March 28, 2019
How to tailor your benefit provision across the generations - part one
For the first time, organisations have five generations in the workplace. Each with contrasting views of the world and different needs and
Employee March 13, 2019
What happens at the end of your Tusker contract?
Returning your car at the end of your lease agreement can feel like navigating uncharted waters. Let us guide you through the
Employer March 7, 2019
How to support your employees' financial wellbeing
A decade ago, financial wellbeing was a ‘nice to have’ in HR’s repertoire of resources. Then the 2008 financial crash happened, real
Employee February 18, 2019
Accident Management
We’re here to help in the event of an accident No matter how careful you drive, sometimes, accidents are unavoidable. Tusker are
Roadside assistance with Tusker
Employee February 16, 2019
Employee February 15, 2019
Tusker's Glass Management Service
Tusker’s Glass Management Service At Tusker, we have a dedicated Glass Management Service that’s built around you.  Find out how you can
Booking your service
How to book your Tusker car in for a service We make booking a service simple.  If your Tusker car needs a