Electric Cars / Employer / Salary Sacrifice

The Silent Revolution

The Silent Revolution, how we make it easy to embrace EVs and ULEVs in your company car park

Encouraging drivers out of older, more polluting vehicles and into Ultra Low Emissions, (ULEV) or zero emissions Electric Vehicles (EV’s) is an area more and more businesses are looking to encourage and, one which is supported by the Government, and the public alike. In 2023, a massive 52% of the UK’s travel-related carbon emissions were produced by petrol and diesel cars*, which means that even with the increasing adoption of ULEVs and EVs in the last 10 years, there’s still a lot that we can do to improve our carbon footprint.

The good news is that moving away from petrol and diesel, and into hybrid or electric vehicles is an all-round positive move for drivers, and with us, the process couldn’t be simpler.

Not only do drivers report that these cleaner vehicles offer a more relaxing, quieter, and often, a more powerful driving experience than their previous vehicles, the running costs of a ULEV or an EV are much cheaper too. To read more about the huge savings that these cars can offer drivers, read our article HERE.

How does Tusker make it easy to get behind the wheel of a new, green car?

Thanks to the way in which our salary sacrifice car benefit schemes are set up, our drivers are able to take to the roads in a new, environmentally friendly car, in a way that is affordable for the driver, and a money-saver for the employer, too.

As low or zero emissions vehicles benefit from lowest rates of Benefit in Kind (BIK) tax, taking an electric vehicle via a salary sacrifice arrangement means that you’ll save money on both your National Insurance and Income Tax as well.

For an in-depth look at how salary sacrifice works, we have a handy guide to explain this HERE.  

Better still, with our scheme, unlike more traditional car financing options, there is no deposit to pay, no upfront rental amount, and no hidden costs either. With us, you will only ever pay a fixed monthly amount, which covers the vehicle, maintenance and servicing, insurance, road tax, MOT’s and even breakdown and tyre cover, so budgeting becomes not only easier, but cheaper too.


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* https://www.greenmatch.co.uk/blog/uk-transport-co2

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