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    National Living Wage Calculator

National Living Wage Calculator
Invalid date of birth
Please add your gross annual salary
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Please add your gross car salary sacrifice
National Living Wage Calculator

After taking a car, your salary is above the National Living Wage



Your reference:

Date of birth:


Gross annual salary: £

Weekly working hours:

Gross monthly car salary sacrifice: £0

Contract Term: 0

Total monthly other salary sacrifice: £0


Basic pay after the cost of the car and any other salary sacrifice benefits are removed


Hourly rate after all salary sacrifice benefits have been accounted for


National Living Wage Calculator

After taking a car, your salary is below the National Living Wage



Your reference:

Date of birth:


Gross annual salary: £

Weekly working hours:

Gross monthly car salary sacrifice: £0

Contract Term: 0

Total monthly other salary sacrifice: £0


Basic pay after the cost of the car and any other salary sacrifice benefits are removed


Hourly rate after all salary sacrifice benefits have been accounted for


If you reduced your proposed gross monthly salary sacrifice for your car, you may be able to afford a car.

Maximum sacrifice per month to remain above National Living Wage


National Living Wage

We're Tusker, the UK's leading car benefit provider. We help thousands of organisations offer this sought-after benefit to their employees.

Salary sacrifice car schemes remain one of the most cost-effective benefits, providing considerable Tax and NI savings for drivers. As our cars are being supplied as an employee benefit, company car tax, or Benefit in Kind (BiK) tax will be payable. Electric cars generate the lowest BIK tax which is 2% until 2025, rising by just 1% each year until 2028, so you really can’t get a better deal than this.

To take a car on the scheme, you'll need to earn more than the National Living Wage once all salary deductions have been made. To check if you or one of your employees' annual salary falls above or below the National Living Wage, use our calculator below.


National Living wage is calculated as follows; NLW x Weekly Hrs x 52 / 12. NLW reference https://www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage-rates

Age of driver National Living Wage
Per hour for workers aged 21 years or older £11.44
Per hour for workers aged 18-20 inclusive £8.60
Per hour for workers aged 16 and 17 £6.40

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