Salary Sacrifice
June 27, 2024

The legendary tech giant, Nokia, goes green with Tusker

The legendary tech giant, Nokia, goes green with Tusker

Polestar 2

Sue, Country People Specialist at Nokia tells us about how and why they chose Tusker as their Car Benefit Scheme over other competitors and how their experience and journey has been so far.

Priorities for the new benefit

Prior to the scheme launching in 2022, employees at Nokia had company fossil fuel cars with a fossil fuel card, Nokia wanted to do something that was in-keeping with their environmental targets. With its focus on reducing carbon emissions and commitment to offsetting, Tusker was the obvious choice to provide the car scheme. Particularly as with the Tusker scheme, there are options to choose a low emission or fully electric scheme to suit the needs of the customer. The company made the decision to go for a fully-electric scheme.

 For Nokia, inclusivity was also important, so that the majority of employees would be eligible to participate in the new benefit. Tusker was able to ensure that the scheme was designed to be available to as many employees as possible.

 Following discussions with management, the scheme was well received and not only were employees choosing to leave their owned fossil fuel cars, but also those entitled to a cash allowance choosing to use it for the car scheme. Previously, company cars were only available for those of certain levels, but with the car scheme, almost all employees could get a car.

 Choosing Tusker was a “collective and easy decision”

 Nokia’s incumbent fleet provider didn’t offer EVs, so the team shortlisted several salary sacrifice companies which would meet their requirements. Tusker were invited to meet with the procurement and global benefits teams to demonstrate our experience and expertise.

 Sue comments, “Tusker came out far and wide the best, without a shadow of a doubt. Tusker showed confidence, knowledge and ability to answer questions straight away, we were really impressed and it didn’t take long at all to make a decision to work with Tusker.”

 She continues, “Tusker was able to demonstrate the savings that were available, suggested options for the scheme, and how we would implement it appropriately.”

 The range of vehicles was a key factor, as well as the overall cost to employees and the benefits it provides to them. The team at Nokia saw the added value to using Tusker over retail.

 Tusker has a well-managed implementation process, having weekly meetings with Tusker which meant that the project was kept on track. The team’s expertise meant that the whole project wasn’t a concern for the Nokia team at all.

Fitting with existing benefits

Tusker works with all of the leading benefit providers and so incorporating the scheme into the existing benefits portal was straightforward using Single Sign On (SSO) technology.

Sue comments, “The SSO is really important and a fantastic feature – it fits with the Flex Benefits platform which allows employees to log in directly. The employees’ details are already in the website and they can update their profile and see vehicles instantly.”

She continues, “It’s super easy to use and very few people say they’re not sure they know what they’re doing!”

Understanding the benefit – effective communications

One of the most important factors was to sell the benefit to employees so that they understood the benefit as they did with the company car scheme. Having insurance, road tax, servicing and maintenance, breakdown cover and replacement tyres included was a massive selling point, as this wasn’t an added benefit for employees with their company car package.

Initially some employees weren’t comparing the scheme with like-for-like deals, as they hadn’t factored in the full package which they would receive with the car scheme. The communications which Tusker provided to Nokia employees, including webinars and roadshows, helped ensure that there was a full understanding.

“The roadshows prior to the launch were brilliant, they were so well received.” Sue comments, “Some of our employees came to the roadshows with really negative views. They tried their best to put a negative spin on the cars and the scheme, but Tusker was too good, and answered all of their questions brilliantly!”

Sue comments, “we were concerned that EVs weren’t for everyone, and that there would be concerns for those who live in a flat or for those who drive large mileages. Tusker was able to reassure employees and help them make the right decision for them.”

Sue continues, “our employees feel that they can contact Tusker at any point to discuss issues or queries when they need some help and support about their car.”

Open communications are important for Nokia, as the team knew they couldn’t answer all the questions employees may have, and in particular, Sue was concerned that “they didn’t know what they don’t know, so it was great that employees can receive the help they need and feel supported in this.”

Well received by employees

More than 100 people have taken cars on the scheme, with employees commenting on how pleased they are with their cars.

Even those with initial concerns have been reassured that the scheme is right for them and have been pleased with the cars they’ve selected.

Sue herself has a car on the scheme and told us, “I took the Polestar 2 – it’s a fantastic car and I absolutely love it. I haven’t had any problems – even though this is my first electric car. It was simple to make the switch – I thought I’d have a lot of range anxiety, and I still get a bit concerned, but I travel from Reading to South Wales regularly and have no issues at all.”


Key information:

Date of launch: June 2022

Eligible employees: 920

Cars on scheme: 131

Accounts created: 577