Knowledge Hub

Employer April 14, 2022
2022 – What does the year ahead have in store?
Not all costs have to rise While the lower total cost of ownership for EVs compared to ICE vehicles helps to narrow
Industry April 5, 2022
Fully Charged – Starring Tusker
On a rainy day in early March, Paul Gilshan was sent off to a windswept hangar in the outskirts of Cheltenham to
Electric Cars March 30, 2022
Electric Cars: What happens in 2035
2035 is a date you see often quoted when it comes to electric cars along with the claim that when we get
Employer March 8, 2022
Salary Sacrifice- it's no sacrifice at all
Salary Sacrifice, it’s no sacrifice at all   With a current fleet of over 20,000 cars, 95% of which are on salary
Electric Cars March 1, 2022
What is regenerative breaking and how does it benefit electric and plug-in car drivers?
By Nat Barnes from EVs Unplugged You might hear a lot of talk about regenerative braking when it comes to electric and
The Global Microchip Shortage - how new cars have been affected
Employee February 5, 2022
Employer January 24, 2022
Tusker offsets a quarter of a million tonnes of carbon
Employee car benefits provider Tusker offsets a quarter of a million tonnes of carbon through verified Carbon Standards Programs Tusker is celebrating
Electric Cars January 17, 2022
Tusker’s 10 most popular cars of 2021 confirms a shift to EVs for motorists
Electric Vehicles have remained the most popular choice of vehicle for the second year running, for those choosing a new vehicle as
Employer January 10, 2022
FMG and Tusker extend Salary Sacrifice partnership
Tusker has extended its long-standing incident management partnership with FMG. The UK’s largest salary sacrifice provider will continue to partner with FMG for the