Electric Cars / Employee / Employer / Salary Sacrifice

Helping Employees Make the Switch to EVs Doesn’t Have to Be a Challenge

Helping employees transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs) can be smooth and successful, as demonstrated by Nokia. As a technology leader committed to sustainability, Nokia decided to switch their company car scheme from fossil fuel vehicles to EVs via Tusker’s salary sacrifice scheme.

 Known for its focus on reducing carbon emissions and offering affordable, environmentally friendly options, Tusker was the ideal partner. Their expertise in EV schemes, cost-effectiveness, and seamless integration with Nokia’s existing benefits platform made the process of introducing the scheme straightforward, with Tusker also handling concerns such as charging options for employees living in flats and those with long commutes.

 Before launching the new scheme in 2022, Nokia’s employees used fossil fuel company cars. Recognising the need to align their transport benefits with their environmental goals, Nokia chose to implement a fully electric vehicle scheme. This decision was not just about sustainability but also inclusivity. Nokia ensured the scheme was accessible to most employees, allowing a broad range of participants to benefit.

 Nokia’s experience shows that with careful planning and the right partner, transitioning employees to EVs doesn’t have to be challenging. Their approach highlights the importance of inclusivity, effective communication, and a strong commitment to sustainability in successfully making the switch to greener alternatives.

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