Electric Cars / Employee / Employer / Salary Sacrifice
September 18, 2024

Customer stories: Causeway

Customer stories: Causeway


1. Introduction

Causeway was undergoing their yearly market review to see which benefits would differentiate them from others and gain traction and popularity within the marketplace. Their employees asked if they’d considered a salary sacrifice scheme, so Causeway shortlisted a selection of benefit providers.

Causeway chose to offer hybrid and electric vehicles to their employees, as breadth was very important to them due to their staff being field based. This gave them the opportunity to allow a lot more people to join the scheme, with some people ordering a Hybrid as it suits their lifestyle best, but a bulk of their orders are EV.

Causeway decided to add the Tusker salary sacrifice car scheme as their new benefit offer, which was really well received.

2. Implementing a new benefit

The cost of living crisis was at the top of everyone’s minds at the time that Causeway were considering to launch the scheme, so it was important that they found a benefit that was affordable yet attractive. Paul Gaukroger, Head of HR explained that “the feedback that I’ve received has been great, particularly around the fact there’s no deposit to pay as it makes it financially a much easier proposition for somebody to get access to a brand new vehicle.”

Some of their employees were concerned about credit checks that they’d need to provide when getting a financial car, also comparing the prices from the Tusker cars to a generated financial quote on rental pages. Paul expresses “When you look at the headline vehicles, it can appear comparable or slightly more per month than a lease deal, but when you see that the lease has a large deposit and doesnt always include insurance etc so you have to add that in, it makes it completely out of reach.”

“It‘s certainly made us, in the north east, very competitive in the tech space for tech talent and at that time where people’s finances were under pressure it was an important factor.”

Causeway found an affordable and attractive benefit at Tusker, removing that added worry and stress for their staff at an already difficult time.

3. Benefit systems, working hand in hand with Tusker

Tusker’s scheme seamlessly integrates with Employee Benefit Provider’s portals via Single Sign On (SSO), so for Causeway, this meant Tusker working with their existing provider, Reward Gateway. As a preferred partner with Reward Gateway, this was simple. It allows customers like Causeway to have all of their benefits and HR information in one place, making it easily accessible for their employees.

Some of Causeway’s customers are government and government agencies, meaning that ISO and stock2 are required for their employee data to be held and managed in a secure way. Paul explained that the SSO system has really helped them pass security standards, especially for their government customers.

4. Causeway CEO is a huge advocate for Tusker!

Causeway have 32 cars* through the Tusker car scheme, and Paul expresses that he’s had ‘really positive feedback’. Paul and his partner have an MG4 and a Renault Megane E-Tech through the scheme, as well as their CEO Phil who has a VW ID.3. Causeway employees have chosen a range of vehicles, from Teslas, MGs, Audis, etc. Paul explains “honestly, it’s really diverse which is nice because it says there’s something for everyone!”

He continues, “I’m the biggest advocate for Tusker because it works really well for me.” Paul and his partner were coming up to their service at the time of our conversation, one of the cars got new tyres and “everything’s just been very easy and seamless to be able to do that. I’ve not heard anything negative and out of the 32 cars we’ve got, I know most of the drivers.”

Paul ends with telling us how the “CEO is another great advocate so it must be good. – – they really like that Tusker offers a really wide range of cars as well. I’m really pleased it’s all been so positive” he comments.

Key Information
Date of launch: 20/04/2022
Accounts created: 258
Car orders*: 32


*as of 18/09/2024